Rescue1 India
The Mission
To be born poor in our world is to be born vulnerable and in danger of exploitation. Rescue1 is a full care sponsorship and outreach program. We have helped open homes to rescue and care for sex trafficked children, HIV infected children, and orphaned children.
Rescue1 helps support over 165 beautiful children in India rescued from sex-trafficking, abandonment and a life of abuse and pain. Our SPONSORS have made this happen!
The Problem
Sex Slave Children
- More than three million prostitutes in India. 40% are children under 18.
- The Devadasi System: Hindu parents marry a daughter to a temple deity. The marriage occurs before the girl reaches puberty and requires her to become a prostitute for upper-caste members.
- Sex traffickers target these girls and sell them into brothels in the red light districts of Mumbai and Delhi.
HIV Children
- There are an estimated 5.7 million people with HIV in India. 15% of them are children under the age of 15.
- Adults and children with HIV are treated as untouchables.
- These children don't receive the proper medical attention and many are orphaned.
Orphan and Street Kids
- There is an estimated 15-25 million orphans in India.
- There children are denied the most basic rights of survival and protection.
- They are especially vulnerable to victimization and sexual and labor exploitation.
The Solution
Our Rescue1 India team focuses on rescuing children at risk in the impoverished communities of Southern India. We rescue children from ages 4-18. We also provide self-employment opportunities to families as a means of helping them out of poverty. Our children are taken care of in multiple full care facilities where they receive food, shelter, clothing, emotional restoration, medical care, education, and vocational training. Each experience the love of Christ and go on to live successful and productive lives.
Map of Area
Below is a map of the area where our rescue efforts are located: